Friday, August 6, 2010


School of Mechanical Sciences has conducted a Faculty Development Program on 31st July 2010.

The seminar was based on "Handling Engineering Thermodynamics' and "Thermal Engineering". The program was named as "ELITTE-01,2010", which means "Empowering Lecturers in Innovative Teaching of Thermal Engineering" for BE/ B.Tech.This innovative title was coined by our Senior Professor, Dr.A.M.K.Poduval.

It was our privilege to have

Dr. Joshi Haran,
School of Mechanical Sciences,
Amrita University.

as our honorable chief guest.

Karapagam University is very happy to have its new Vice Chancellor, Dr.K.Ramasamy and its our pride to have him in our function. He delivered the Presidential address.

Our beloved Director of School of Mechanical Sciences, Dr.G.Karuppusami delivered the welcome address.

The function continued with felicitation from various eminent dignitaries.

Next our beloved Registrar Dr.P.Lakshmana Perumal Samy gave his felicitation address.

Next our beloved Professor, Dr.Ranganathan also gave his felecitation.

Then our beloved Senior Professor, Dr.Mohana Krishna Poduval gave his vote of thanks.

After the tea break, our Chief guest gave his excellent speech.

which was based on "Handling Engineering Thermodynamics to BE / B.Tech students".

After the lunch break we returned to the afternoon session which was about "Role of research in becoming a successful teacher and promoting creative and innovative projects" and "Handling of Thermal Engineering to BE/B.Tech students"

Then the program came to an end. We got positive feedback from faculties who attended the seminar. Faculty from other college also attended the seminar .At the end of seminar , Mr.Nataraj , Assistant Professor gave his vote of thanks.